.NET Server

Upgrading to WebDAV Server Engine .NET v13

In this article

Upgrading to WebDAV Server Engine .NET v13

In this version:

  • The Engine now provides synchronization support based on Sync ID algorithm. The WebDAV Drive sample for Windows and macOS, provided with User File System can now implement high-performance synchronization getting all changes from server in one request.  
  • WebDAV server samples are provided with ReactJS and VUE UI in addition to jQuery UI.
  • Interfaces refactored to follow .NET interfaces naming convention. "Async" is removed from all interface names1.

Note that this version contains breaking changes. After you update NuGet packages references your code will stop working. Follow the steps below to upgrade your code.

Migrating Your Code to Engine v13

  1. Update NuGet packages references in your code.
  2. Remove "Async" suffix from all interfaces names in your code. For example replace IFileAsync with IFile interface.
  3. Update your IFolder.CreateFileAsync() method implementation. In previous versions this method did not provide any parameters and was called before IFileAsync.WriteAsync() method call when a new file was uploaded. Now this method provides all data needed to create a file inside this method: content stream, file size and file mime type. The stream parameter contains either a complete file content or the first segment of the file that is being uploaded, similarly to the IFileAsync.WriteAsync() method. In case of a complete file content the Engine does NOT call the IFile.WriteAsync() method any more. In case of a first segment, the rest of the file content will be uploaded via IFile.WriteAsync() method call, when the client will send further segments.


The "Async" suffix in interface names was introduced to provide migration path from synchronous Engine v3 to Engine v4, which supported both synchronous and asynchronous interfaces.

Next Article:

Upgrading to WebDAV Server Engine .NET v12