Opening Documents from WebDAV Server

Articles in this section describe how to open MS Office and non-MS Office documents for editin in various authentication scenarios, build a re-branded version of Edit Document Opener protocol application, find and troubleshoot protocol app issues.

Opening / Saving Documents Directly from / to Server in a SharePoint-like Manner

This article describes how Ajax File Browser opens documents for editing from server, and talks about WebDAV server and client requirements.

Opening MS Office and other Docs from a WebDAV Server with Cookies Authentication

This article describes Ajax File Browser options used to open documents from WebDAV servers with cookies authentication.

Do I Need to Install davX: Protocol on a Client Machine to Open Documents?

This article describes scenarios in which you may need the Edit Document Opener protocol application provided with Ajax File Browser, such as cookies authentication, non-MS Office documents editing, using LibreOffice to open MS Office docs, legacy MS Office versions support, etc.

Opening Folder Content in a Desktop File Manager

Describes specifics of opening desktop file manager on Windows, OS X and Linux using Ajax File Browser.

Re-branding Protocol Apps and Building from Source Code

The Source Codes license is provided with complete Edit Document Opener protocol applications source codes for Windows, OS X and Linux. See how to build your customized versions from from source codes in "one click" and avoid interfering with each other.

Troubleshooting Edit Document Opener Protocol Application

See where to find logs and what information is required to understand issues and report bugs to IT Hit.


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Ajax File Browser Themes and Toolbar Icons