IT Hit WebDAV AJAX Library Release History

v6.0.8733.0 Beta

August 14, 2024
  • WebDAV Drive on Windows platform:
    • The Microsoft Office documents did not unlock in case of automatic locking on file close. This bug is now fixed.
    • Move folder in the remote storage did not move file on the client. This bug is now fixed.
    • Start-up screen added.
    • Mount New Drive dialog added.
    • The drive did not start on Windows restart. Now the drive starts on restart.
    • Basic auth dialog hides in the background on first launch. Now this bug is fixed.
    • Quit menu did not shutdown the application. This bug is now fixed.
    • If one drive is waiting for login screen other drives did not start. Now all drives are started asynchronously.
    • Lock/Unlock commands added to protocol app protocol.

v6.0.8730.0 Beta

August 3, 2024
  • New Protocol application is provided for Windows and macOS. The new protocol app provides synchronization support, manual locking support, unlimited file file size support.
  • Basic Auth, Cookies Auth and MS-OFBA Auth is supported.
  • Safari on macOS with cookies auth is supported.


July 24, 2024
  • TypeScript error: TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'ITHit'). This bug is now fixed.


April 11, 2024
  • On Windows the document opener protocol application failed to open file path longer than 256 characters. Now long path is supported.


February 10, 2024
  • “The document could not be opened. You do not have permission” error is displayed on macOS Monterey 12.7+. Now this bug is fixed.


January 15, 2024
  • “The document could not be opened. You do not have permission” error is displayed on macOS Sonoma. Now this bug is fixed.


January 8, 2024
  • Chrome and Edge is unable to open documents from a valid UNC/network path on Windows machines. If a document is associated with a Chrome or Edge web browser (typically PDF or HTML documents) the blank web browser page opened. Now the protocol application automatically detects document association with a web browser and opens the document directly in a web browser.


August 25, 2023
  • If the protocol application was started directly from file system the error was displayed, the application crushed. Now an informational message is displayed that the application should not be started directly but via the protocol only.


August 17, 2023
  • Web sockets disconnect in Firefox when document is opened via EditDocument(), MicrosoftOfficeEditDocument() or DavProtocolEditDocument() JavaScript functions. This bug is now fixed.


May 21, 2023
  • Web bowser extension was not automatically installed in Firefox on macOS along with ITHitDocOpener pkg. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Class reference documentation updated.


December 19, 2022
  • Can not set license ID in TypeScript. Now WebDAV.Client.LicenseId is added for TypeScript version.
  • Class reference documentation updated.


July 14, 2022
  • Opening Excel documents did not work on iPad. This big is now fixed.
  • Login via protocol app failed on Linux if the log-in name contained ‘\’ character. This bug is now fixed.


June 14, 2022
  • Electron framework is now supported. DavProtocolEditDocument() and OpenFolderInOsFileManager() JavaSctip functions now support Electron web browser. Protocol application detection and protocol application callback are not supported in Electron.
  • If incorrect login/password specified during login in protocol app on Linux the login dialog is closed and file did not open. Now this bug is fixed.


May 21, 2022
  • We browser extension did not copy cookie in case the Path parameter is specified. Now this bug is fixed.
  • "Pause upload/Resume upload" button on a demo page did not sync with individual files upload status. Now the button properly changes status according to files upload status.
  • Protocol application installer signing certificate updated.


April 18, 2022
  • Special characters are double-encoded in progress-report request. If progress-report failed, the progress rolled back on a demo page when upload is paused. The progress request is now properly encoded.
  • Protocol application did not pass authentication cookie for domains with port. Now this bug is fixed.


March 26, 2022
  • Protocol application installer did not set Web Client Windows service to auto start if the Web Client was running during installation and a manual start was configured for Web Client service. Now the auto start is properly set regardless of the Web Client Windows service start mode during installation.


January 21, 2022
  • TypeScript examples are provided in the class reference documentation.


December 21, 2021
  • TypeScript is now supported.
  • Intellisence is now supported.
  • Windows Server detection fixed in protocol application.
  • Microsoft Office 2016 failed to open xlsx files using protocol application. This bug is now fixed.


November 16, 2021
  • Microsoft Office document did not unlock if edited via GSuite. Now this bug is fixed.


October 27, 2021
  • If "C:\User\\" folder contained non-English characters the protocol application failed to detect by the web browser, the protocol app installation callback was called. "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Error when communicating with the native messaging host." or "The scheme does not have a registered handler" errors were logged. Now, this bug is fixed.


October 12, 2021
  • "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Error when communicating with the native messaging host." or "The scheme does not have a registered handler" exceptions are thrown by the protocol application if the user folder name contains non-English characters. Now, this bug is fixed.
  • "Function MicrosoftOfficeEDitDocument() does not support errorCallback parameter" message is being logged to the JavaScript console in the web browser. Now this message is removed.


July 13, 2021
  • If the file manager is opened using the OpenFolderInOsFileManager() on macOS, the Finder application opens in the background and is overlapped by other applications. Now the Finder window is brought to the foreground.


June 8, 2021
  • If file upload is paused with UploadItem.PauseAsync() call, files that are in queue start uploading. This bug is now fixed. 


April 3, 2021
  • Protocol application not detected on macOS High Sierra and Catalina. The callback is called even if the protocol application is installed. Now, this bug is fixed.
  • In Firefox 68-81 the protocol application is not detected and an error callback is called, displaying the protocol application download message. Now, this bug is fixed.


March 17, 2021
  • Protocol application throws "Error: File or path not found" when opening non-MS Office documents on Windows. Now, this bug is fixed.
  • Protocol application was requested to install on macOS when opening MS Office documents from an anonymous site. Now MS Office documents are opened without protocol application.
  • Opening documents from a WebDAV server with cookies authentication does not work on macOS. Now, this bug is fixed.
  • Protocol application can not mount URLs longer than 250 chars on macOS. Now, this bug is fixed.


February 26, 2021
  • The 'Open' verb was used on Windows by the DavProtocolEditDocument() JavaScript function if the sCommand parameter is null. If an 'Open' verb is not defined, opening failed with error. Now the default verb is selected automatically if sCommand parameter is null.
  • Protocol application now uses Python 3 on Linux.


January 26, 2021
  • Firefox did not detect the protocol application. Now, this bug is fixed.
  • Not enough permissions to open txt document on Mac OS Big Sur. Now, this bug is fixed.
  • Mapping very slow on Mac OS Big Sur. This bug is now fixed.
  • Cookies processing code in Chrome and Edge Chromium web browser extensions refactored. Now only cookies explicitly specified in DavProtocolEditDocument() function call are accessed by the code. 
  • Mounting on Linux refactored. Documents with URLs longer than ~200 characters failed to open on Ubuntu. Now the document URL could be of any length.


January 18, 2021
  • Protocol application did not install on Mac OS Big Sur. Now Mac OS Big Sur is supported.


November 16, 2020
  • The MicrosoftOfficeEditDocument() and EditDocument() JavaScript functions execute the error callback parameter in Google Chrome 86 if the Web browser protocol warning is enabled, in case of Microsoft Office file being opened and the protocol application is not installed, regardless of the file being opened successfully or open failure. The error callback parameter is now removed from MicrosoftOfficeEditDocument() JavaScript function. The error callback is not executed in case the Microsoft Office file is opened using the EditDocument() function. 


October 28, 2020
  • Web browser extensions appeared as disabled if protocol application was installed before web browser extensions via GPO. Protocol application can now be installed without installing web browser extensions. The INSTALLWEBBROWSEREXTENSIONS parameter is provided.
  • On some Windows 10 machined protocol application did not open documents because Web Client Windows service was stopped. Web Client Windows service status is now always verified when installing the protocol application on Windows 10 as well as when opening documents. 


September 16, 2020
  • Protocol application and web browser extensions are updated to support the latest web browsers requirements for extensions that work with cookies. The sCookieNames parameter in DavProtocolEditDocument() and OpenFolderInOsFileManager() JavaScript functions now require a specific name(s) of the cookie(s). The null value (copy all cookies) is not supported any more in sCookieNames parameter.


August 17, 2020
  • Documents opening in Microsoft Edge on Mac OS is now supported.


July 14, 2020
  • Non-Microsoft Office documents do not open using protocol application with challenge-response authentication (Basic, Digest, etc), or anonymous authentication on Mac OS X. Now, this bug is fixed. 
  • Firefox Web browser extension does not work on Ubuntu. Now, this bug is fixed.
  • Firefox Web browser extension does not work on openSUSE 64bit. Now, this bug is fixed.


July 3, 2020
  • Files upload API did not encode characters correctly. If non-English characters are present in the URL, the new folder is created. This bug is now fixed.


June 1, 2020
  • Users can now attach custom headers to each uploaded file or folder. ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Upload.UploadItem.AddHeader() JavaScript function is provided.


April 30, 2020
  • Protocol application .deb package did not install on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. "Could not import setuptools which is required to install from a source distribution. Please install setuptools." error is displayed. The incorrect version of pip was used in the installer. Now pip is upgraded to 20.1.
  • Informational message is now displayed if web browser extension is installed but the protocol application is not installed on the client machine.


April 13, 2020
  • Classic Edge Web browser extension is now installed only in case Microsoft Edge Chromium is not found on the client machine. If Microsoft Edge Chromium is detected, only the Microsoft Edge Chromium web browser extension is installed.
  • In case Microsoft Edge Chromium is detected on the client machine no administrative privileges are requested any more to install the protocol application in the 'Only for me' mode.
  • Protocol application uninstallation does not remove the web browser extensions by default anymore. A dialog requesting web browser extensions uninstallation is displayed now during uninstallation via the user interface. The REMOVEWEBBROWSEREXTENSIONS parameter is provided for unattended uninstallations.


March 27, 2020
  • Protocol application fails to open documents on macOS 10.15 Catalina. This bug is now fixed.


March 25, 2020
  • Protocol application fails in Internet Explorer if cookies authentication is used, with the following message: "Failed to load cookies. Authentication cookie(s): Cookie1, Cookie2 was not found.". Now, this bug is fixed.
  • Protocol application is not detected in Chrome and Edge Chromium after upgrading from the previous version. Now, this bug is fixed.


March 19, 2020
  • If total parameters length (document URL, cookies length, login URL, etc) exceeded 8192 characters in Chrome and Microsoft Edge Chromium the protocol application did not execute and log file din not create. Now, this bug is fixed.
  • If the cookie list is empty the "Failed to get cookies" message was displayed. Now if the list is empty or any cookie is missing the message listing missing cookies is displayed.
  • If the protocol application failed to open a document and non-SSL connection is used, the message with recommendations is displayed. 


March 17, 2020
  • The protocol application now supports Microsoft Edge Chromium. Microsoft Chromium Edge web browser extension is provided and automatically installed during the protocol application installation.
  • Protocol application did not pass cookies for NetBIOS names. This bug is now fixed.


February 25, 2020
  • Protocol application fails to open a file if a file name contained '#' or ';' character. This bug is now fixed.


December 13, 2019
  • If a user cancels login when opening a document via the protocol application in case of challenge-response authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Kerberos), the error message is displayed. Now error dialog is not shown if a user cancels login.
  • UI graphics updated.


November 29, 2019
  • DavProtocolEditDocument() JavaScript function does not open documents in FireFox if cookies authentication is used and file URLs are passed as an array. Now, this bug is fixed.
  • DavProtocolEditDocument() JavaScript function call does not work with cookies authentication if a document is located on a server that is different from the server from which the web page containing DavProtocolEditDocument() is called. Documents do not work in case of CORS requests. Now, this bug is fixed.


November 11, 2019
  • The "TypeError: oItem.GetRewrite is not a function" JavaScript exception is thrown during upload when the WebDAV Ajax Library is used with sample JavaScript code supplied with WebDAV Server Engine for .NET v8- and WebDAV Server Library for Java v4-. Now GetRewrite() JavaScript function is provided (in addition to GetOverwrite() introduced in WebDAV Ajax library v5.10) for backward compatibility.


November 5, 2019
  • If DavProtocolEditDocument() JavaScript function is called with "Print" parameter and protocol application is not installed the "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of null" JavaScript exception is thrown. Now this bug is fixed.


November 4, 2019
  • The protocol installer for Max OS is now notarized. MaxOS 10.15 Catalina is supported now.
  • Printing functionality is provided. You can pass 'Print' as a command parameter to DavProtocolEditDocument() JavaScript function.
  • DavProtocolEditDocument() JavaScript function now accepts a JavaScript array of document URLs as a first parameter. The comma-separated list is no more supported.
  • ITHit.Environment.OS property is provided to detect the environment in which JavaScript is running.
  • JavaScript function DocManager.GSuirePreviewDocument() that triggers G Suite preview is provided.
  • Files upload is broken. "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" exception in the web browser console the upload code generated using IT Hit WebDAV Server Engine v8.1.5257 and earlier. This bug is now fixed.


September 25, 2019
  • Upload validation processing events Queue.OnUploadItemsCreated and UploadItem.OnBeforeUploadStarted are provided. Upload validation and errors processing is refactored.
  • UploadItem.SetDeleteOnCancel() and UploadItem.GetDeleteOnCancel() functions are provided to override default behaviour on upload cancelation. Now the file can be kept on the server if it existed before upload started.
  • UploadItem.SetRewrite() is renamed to UploadItem.SetOverwrite().
  • If Edge extension is failed to install now error description is shown during installation.
  • DocManager.IsGSuiteDocument() function is provided.
  • DocManager.GoogleEditDocument() function is renamed to DocManager.GSuiteEditDocument().
  • Folder.GetSupportedFeaturesAsync() now supports GSuite editing detection. Features.GSuite flag is in Features enum is provided.
  • URL decoding in protocol application failed for long URLs in Chrome and Safari if DocManager.DavProtocolEditDocument() function is used. This bug is now fixed.
  • URL decoding in protocol application failed if the file name or path contained '+' character. This bug is now fixed.
  • Deprecated synchronous API is removed from class reference documentation and is not supported now. Only asynchronous API is supported now.
  • Class reference documentation is updated.


August 13, 2019
  • Google G Suite editing support added. ITHit.WebDAV.Client.DocManager.GoogleEditDocument() JavaScript function added that opens a Microsoft Office document for editing in a web browser. If  server supports WebDAV protocol, the function will automatically lock the document with a shared lock when a new user joins editing and unlock when used leaves editing. 


July 12, 2019
  • Protocol application on Windows failed to open documents if URL contained following characters: < > : " / \ | ? *. Now URL is validated and an error message listing not allowed characters is displayed.


June 12, 2019
  • Protocol application on Mac OS failed with "ItemURL must be located under the MountURL" error if domain did not contain dots. This bug is now fixed.
  • Protocol application on Mac OS failed with ValueError: Expecting byte string of length 1, got a 'unicode' when DavProtocolEditDocument() JavaScript function is used with MS Office documents.


May 22, 2019
  • Protocol application on Linux did not decode URLs. Now URLs are properly decoded on Linux.
  • Protocol application installer and its components are signed with a new certificate.


May 13, 2019
  • FireFox extension icon did not show. This bug is now fixed.
  • Chrome extension context processing fixed. Chrome extension error occurred "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received." and "Uncaught Error: Extension context invalidated." that could be found in Chrome web browser log. Now these errors are fixed.
  • Protocol application installation on on Ubuntu 14 failed. Latest version of dbus package was attempted to instal, which is not supported by Ubuntu 14. This bug is fixed now.
  • All protocol application components and web browser extension components are now signed.


April 25, 2019
  • Spacial characters did not escape during upload. Now special characters are %-escaped during upload.


April 17, 2019
  • Source codes version failed to build from sources. Web browser host and extension source codes were partially missing. Now this bug is fixed.


March 25, 2019
  • Protocol application content script may crush Chrome v72.0.3626.121. This bug is now fixed.


February 28, 2019
  • Class reference documentation for paging and search functions corrected and updated.


December 31, 2018
  • Protocol application installer on Mac OS displayed an error installing Safari extension. This bug is fixed now.


December 5, 2018
  • Protocol application do not open document during first click in Edge in case path length + cookie length + mounting path length exceed 2083 chars. This bug is now fixed.
  • Protocol application Edge extension do not install in all users mode on some machines. This bug is now fixed.
  • Protocol application Edge extension do not install in current user mode on some machines. This bug is now fixed.


October 30, 2018
  • Protocol application in Firefox on Windows 7 shows "Failed to decode cookies." error message. This bug is now fixed.
  • Protocol application installer crushes if maximum file size is specified. This bug is now fixed.
  • Edge web browser extension is not installed by protocol application installer in Current User mode. Installation for Edge now always requires administrative privileges. Message about policies modification and administrative privileges requirement in Current User mode added.

v5.8.4131.0 Beta

October 5, 2018
  • Paging classes refactored to provide conformity with server classes. PageResults class is provided, TotalNumber property moved to PageResults and renamed to TotalItems.
  • Auto-restore upload and Pause/Resume fixed. First time upload with Overwrite: F is submitted, all subsequent times Overwrite: T is submitted.
  • Paging through search results is now supported. GetSearchPageAsync() and GetSearchPageByQueryAsync() functions added.
  • GetSupportedFeaturesAsync() function now detects paging support. Features.Paging is added to Features flags.
  • UploadItem.GetErrors() function returned a single item instead of an errors array. Now an array is returned.
  • Protocol application on Mac OS X show "ItemURL must be located under the MountURL" if  beginning of ItemURL and does not exactly match MountURL in EditDocument()/DavProtocolEditDocument() functions. Now URL comparison algorithm is improved.
  • Protocol application show "Can not pass cookies." error on Windows 7 in case of long cookies. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Class reference documentation updated. Samples provided for paging methods.

v5.8.4093.0 Beta

September 24, 2018
  • Paging and sorting are now supported. ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Folder.GetPageAsync() method is provided where user can specify number of items to skip, page size and order of the items.
  • Auto-restore upload is now supported. If connection breaks the upload is automatically retried specified number of times after a specified delay.
  • User can now specify maximum file size for editing during protocol application installation via installer user interface.
  • Protocol application installer now supports advanced and standard mode.
  • Protocol application documents opening failed with "Invalid Literal for float" error on Windows 2012 Server R2 and Windows Server 2008 R2. This bug is now fixed. 
  • Exception when listing locks in Internet Explorer 11 on machines with non-English locale: 'Evaluation failed for searching "d:lockscope".' This bug is now fixed.
  • Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian missing packages error displayed. This bug is now fixed.


August 23, 2018
  • Protocol installation callback did not work. JavaScript exception is thrown. Now this bug is fixed.


August 15, 2018
  • In case of per-machine protocol application installation the application appeared in 'Add or Remove Programs' only for user that performed installation. Now the protocol application appears in 'Add or Remove programs' for all users in case of per-machine installation.
  • If Web Client Windows service was stopped on Windows 8.1 administrative privileges were requested by the protocol application installer (and by protocol application) to start the Web Client service. Administrative privileges are no more required on Windows 8.1 to start Web Client.
  • Protocol application installer v5.7 did not overwrite properly v5.6 on Ubuntu. Now this bug is fixed, the v5.6 is properly removed before installing 5.7 on Ubuntu.


August 1, 2018
  • Protocol application Windows installer ‘Only for me’ mode does not require administrative privileges any more. For current user the protocol application can now be installed by account with ‘Standard User’ permissions.
  • Protocol application Windows installer installer now verifies that Web Client Windows service is running (in case of Windows 7, Windows 8.1) and offers to start Web Client if required.
  • Protocol application Windows installer parameters are provided to modify Edge policy and start Web Client Service during installation in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.
  • Web browser extensions install with incorrect permissions on Ubuntu 16 and Ubuntu 18. Now proper permissions are being configured during installation.


July 18, 2018
  • DavProtocolEditDocument() JavaScript function did not work in Edge for servers with Cookies authentication if path length + cookie length + mounting path length exceed 2083 chars. Edge host security configuration during installation fixed.


July 17, 2018
  • If total item path length + cookie length + mounting path length exceed 2083 chars for Edge or 2046 chars in Chrome the protocol app did not open. Now protocol application long paths and cookies are supported in Edge and Chrome.
  • All Users/Current user option added to the protocol application installer. To install Edge extension the installer now prompts to allow local computer policy modification.
  • If Web Client Windows service is not running on Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows Server machines a warning message is displayed by the protocol application offering to start Web Client service.
  • On Ubuntu 18.04 gksu package did not installed by protocol application. Now the package is removed from dependency.
  • Chrome 67.0.3396.99 the protocol application did not show “To execute this command the authentication cookie will be saved as permanent …" message in case of a session cookie. This bug is now fixed.
  • Some of the registry keys added by the protocol application keys are not being removed during uninstall. Now all registry keys are properly removed.
  • Firefox on iOS did not open MS Office documents. This bug is now fixed.
  • Move of a locked file test fixed.
  • Firefox on iOS did not detect correctly. This bug is now fixed.
  • Edge extension did not uninstall. This bug is now fixed.


May 18, 2018
  • Protocol application now supports Internet Explorer with latest Windows updates. Tested with anonymous, cookies, Basic, Digest and IWA authentication.


May 10, 2018
  • Static property for setting install callback timeout is provided: ITHit.WebDAV.Client.DocManager.ProtocolTimeoutMs. Now you can set callback timeout to call error callback if application associated with the extension did not start.
  • Protocol application did not detect in Firefox on Windows 32-bit. Protocol install callback was always called. This bug is now fixed.
  • If pre-release version of protocol application was installed, the release version did not detect protocol application in Chrome on Windows. Protocol install callback was always called. This bug is now fixed.


April 28, 2018
  • Protocol application now supports latest Linux updates. Tested on Ubuntu, Mint, OpenSUSE, Debian.
  • Several protocol application versions can now run in parallel on Linux.
  • Edge required protocol app installation when opening a document via EditDocument() or DavProtocolEditDocument() JavaScript functions in all cases. Now Edge requires protocol application and extension only in case of cookies authentication.
  • Edit Document Opener protocol applications V3 and v4 did not detect properly if Edit Document Opener v5 is installed. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Protocol application presence did not detect if HTML page was opened from file system. Now protocol application is detected if web page is opened from a file system.
  • User could not opt out saving a cookie with expiration date if session cookie was found – the JavaSctipt “alert” dialog was displayed. Now the “confirm” JavaScript dialog is displayed, so user can cancel cookie saving with expiration date.

v5.1.2861.0 Beta 2

April 2, 2018
  • Protocol did not detect properly in Firefox and Edge if library is used in iframe. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Protocol install callback is called in Safari even if protocol application is installed. This bug is now fixed.
  • Uninstall of protocol application always uninstalled Firefox extension. Now Firefox extension is uninstalled only when last protocol application is uninstalled.

v5.1.2827.0 Beta 2

March 28, 2018
  • The document is opened 2 times in Firefox if previous version is not uninstalled. The Firefox extension did not uninstall when installing new version. Now previous version extension is uninstalled properly in Firefox.
  • IsDavProtocolSupported() JavaScript function was missing “l” in its name. Now this bug is fixed. The obsolete API upgrade message is displayed if IsDavProtocoSupported() function is called.
  • #ProductName# is displayed in trial period expiration dialog. Now the correct product name is displayed.

v5.1.2821.0 Beta 2

March 26, 2018
  • Multiple protocol applications installation is now supported on Windows and Mac OS X. You can run several protocol applications in parallel on one machine to work with websites that use different WebDAV Ajax Library versions.
  • Digest authentication did not work in Chrome. “null:null” was added to XmlHttpRequests after latest Chrome updates. Basic and Digest authentication now work with latest Chrome updates.
  • Chrome and Firefox extensions are updated to support several protocol applications installed on one Windows or Mac OS X machine.
  • DavProtocolEditDocument() JavaScript function did not work in Edge with cookies authentication. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Edge extension supports several protocol applications installed on one Windows machine.
  • ITHit.WebDAV.Client.WebDavSession.ProtocolVersion static JavaScript property is provided that returns protocol application version required for this WebDAV Ajax Library version.
  • “Error: NoneType object is not iterable” message is displayed on Mac OS X. This bug is now fixed.

v5.0.2699.0 Beta 1

February 7, 2018
  • Firefox extension is now provided for Linux.
  • Chrome extension may not install properly on Ubuntu Linux. This bug is now fixed.
  • Upload canceling fixed.
  • User can now specify delays between upload cancellation attempts in CancelAsync function.
  • URL decoding does not work. This bug is now fixed.

v5.0.2682.0 Beta 1

January 23, 2018
  • “'NoneType' object is not iterable” error occurs in Chrome if Anonymous/Basic/Digest is used and EditDocument function is called. This bug is now fixed.
  • Edge Extension did not uninstall during protocol application uninstallation. This bug is now fixed.
  • Extension host cannot be accessed in Chrome. The “Access to the specified native messaging host is forbidden” error is returned. MS Office documents in Chrome are opened with DavX protocol application instead of MS Office protocols if EditDocument function is used. This bug is now fixed.
  • If protocol application is not installed the protocol install callback is called twice in Firefox and Edge if DavProtocolEditDocument use used. This bug is now fixed.

v5.0.2674.0 Beta 1

January 18, 2018
  • Upload API is provided. Files and folders upload with pause/resume and cancel upload is now supported.
  • DocManager can now open Microsoft Office documents for editing from a web page on a mobile device. EditDocument and MicrosoftOfficeEditDocumentfunctions now support Chrome and Safari on iOS and Chrome on Android.
  • Latest Windows updates and Edge updates are now supported. Latest Edge release can pass cookies to protocol app.
  • Session cookies now can be passed to protocol application.
  • A new web browser add-in is provided for Chrome on Windows and Max OS X.
  • A web browser extension is provided for Firefox on Windows and Max OS X.
  • A web browser extension is provided for Edge.
  • A more reliable detection of protocol application presence is implemented.
  • If more than one identical cookies attached to the request and server fails to open a document a “Retry” button is now provided that resets the connection and removes extra cookies.
  • “HttpOnly” and “secure” cookie parameters did not always passed properly to protocol app. This bug is now fixed.
  • “Path” did not set in in cookie when passed to protocol app. This bug is now fixed.
  • Cookie expiration date time zone did not set correctly in protocol app resulting in the incorrect expiration date. This bug is now fixed.


September 27, 2017
  • Protocol application presence is not detected in Google Chrome if ITHitWebDAVClient.js is running inside iframe. The protocol install callback was called regardless of protocol application being installed. This bug is now fixed.
  • LibreOffice on Mac OS X did not open MS Office and LibreOffice documents (docx, odt, etc.). Now this bug is fixed.
  • Typos in protocol application UI on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X fixed.


September 14, 2017
  • Error callback function was not called in Safari. Instead a dialog with redirect to App Store is displayed. Now Safari extension is provided to detect if protocol application is installed.

v4.0.2351.0 Beta

September 5, 2017
  • Yearly and monthly subscriptions are now supported.

v4.0.2337.0 Beta

August 18, 2017
  • DavProtocolEditDocument() and OpenFolderInOsFileManager() DocManager functions now use Google Chrome extension to detect if protocol application is installed.
  • LibreOffice did not open documents. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Edge 15 or earlier did not open documents. Now this bug is fixed.

v4.0.2336.0 Beta

August 16, 2017
  • Improved reliability of EditDocument() function in Chrome. Google Chrome extension is now provided to detect if protocol application is installed.
    • An error callback may be called in Google Chrome on slow machines on Windows and Mac OS X. Now if protocol app is installed it is reliably detected.
    • No callback is executed with MS Office documents if MS Office is not installed. Now this issue is fixed.
    • If protocol app is not installed on Chrome on Linux, the xdbg-open dialog is always displayed, error callback never called. Now this issue is fixed.
  • Significantly improved performance when opening documents with MS Office for Mac from server with cookies authentication.
  • Error callback function is not called in Edge. Instead a dialog with redirect to Windows Store is displayed. Now callback works with latest Edge v40 update.
  • Error in FormatMessageW call on a non-English Windows versions if English Multilingual User Interface (MUI) files are not installed. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Console window was displayed when opening documents with protocol application. Now console window is not required any more and is removed.


April 4, 2017
  • Added ITHit.WebDAV.Client.DocManager.MsOfficeEditExtensions property and MsOfficeEditExtensions class with properties for each MS Office application. Now any extension can be associated with Microsoft Office applications.
  • If HierarchyItems.CopyMove test failed further tests did not execute. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Improved Ajax tests stability on slow machines.


February 23, 2017
  • Protocol application installer for Windows is signed with a new code signing certificate.
  • If a web browser was deleted directly from file system instead of uninstalling, the protocol application may fail to start. Now web browsers that are improperly deleted are ignored by protocol application.
  • A protocol application on OS X may incorrectly attach multiple cookies the request on OS X. This bug is now fixed.


February 7, 2017
  • Long path test failed with some servers, tests stopped. Now this bug is fixed fixed.


February 6, 2017
  • Error in in protocol app on Windows: Microsoft.VC90.CRT id not found exception “Component identity found in manifest does not match the identity of the component requested.” Now this bug is fixed.
  • Opening documents using protocol app on Windows from non-root WebDAV server did not work. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Error in protocol application on Windows if mountUrl parameter is not provided. Now this bug is fixed, the folder in which file is located is used.
  • Error handling in protocol application improved and refactored. Error message with appropriate description is now displayed if Desktop Experience Windows feature is not installed on Windows Server. Error message is displayed if mounting failed and non-cookies auth is used and connection is non-SSL and UseBasicAuth/BasicAuthLevel registry key is not set to 2.
  • Protocol application stopped opening documents on Mac OS X if auth cookie expired. Now cookies are passed into protocol application during every document opening on Mac OS X in case of cookies auth.
  • Improved stability and performance of protocol application on OS X in case of cookies authentication.
  • Protocol application Max OS X version build failed in source codes version. Now this bug is fixed.
  • In case of redirect to login page protocol application hanged. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Long path Ajax test added - now server long path support is tested.
  • If any special characters Ajax test failed, the tests stopped. Now this bug is fixed.
  • License updated, usage restrictions section added – licensing limitations on usage with third-party WebDAV servers.

v3.0.2036.0 Beta

November 30, 2016
  • JavaScript exception in Firefox 50 is thrown: "TypeError: Argument 3 of Document.createElementNS can’t be converted to a dictionary". Now this bug is fixed.


November 29, 2016
  • JavaScript exception in Firefox 50 is thrown: "TypeError: Argument 3 of Document.createElementNS can’t be converted to a dictionary". Now this bug is fixed.

v3.0.2031.0 Beta

October 11, 2016
  • Cookies authentication is now supported by DavProtocolEditDocument() and OpenFolderInOsFileManager() functions. Documents can now be opened from a WebDAV server which supports pure cookies authentication on Windows, OS X and Linux. The persistent cookie(s) is passed from Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge and IE to WebDAV client application.
  • "One-click" build from sources and re-branding of protocol applications is now supported. Build scripts are provided for Windows, OS X and Linux with Source Codes license.
  • Multiple document open is now supported by DavProtocolEditDocument() function. A list of coma separated URLs can now be passed to sDocumentUrls prameter.
  • The sCommand patrameter is now supported by DavProtocolEditDocument() function. 'Open With' system dialog can now be displayed to select application to be used to open the document.
  • RPM package installer is provided.
  • Opening document error processing refactored in protocol application in Windows version. If document opening failed Windows Explorer with "My Documents" folder opened in some cases. Now correct error message is displayed.


September 29, 2016
  • HierarchyItem.Properties property now returns instance of PropertyList class. PropertyList extends Array and adds PropertyList.Has() and PropertyList.Find() functions. Has() checks if the property is present in HierarchyItem.Properties list. Find() - returns specified property.


September 19, 2016
  • ITHit.WebDAV.Client.Features.Dasl is added to Features enumeration. Now Folder.GetSupportedFeaturesAsync() function can be used to check for search feature support.
  • Folder.SupportedFeaturesAsync() function is renamed to GetSupportedFeaturesAsync(). SupportedFeaturesAsync() is marked as obsolete.
  • Reserved characters tests updated. If the spacial character was at the end of the string some WebDAV servers failed to pass tests. Now reserved character moved to the middle of the test sting.


April 22, 2016
  • Opening of non-MS Office documents and MS Office docs with MS Office 2007 via davX: protocol failed on Windows 32-bit machines. This bug is now fixed.
  • Opening of non-MS Office documents and MS Office docs with MS Office 2007 via davX: protocol failed in IE 8 and IE 9. This bug is now fixed.
  • Protocol application displayed warning in IE 8 and IE 9 about opening unsigned application from unknown publisher. The application is now signed.
  • If mounting using protocol application failed the web log-in dialog was shown. The log-in dialog is removed, error message with recommendations is now displayed.
  • Protocol name changed to dav3, to trigger automatic protocol application update.
  • Protocol application error processing and error message dialogs are re-factored on Windows and Linux.


April 13, 2016
  • Opening document and opening Windows Explorer using DocManager functions (via custom protocol handler) failed on Windows 32 bit. This bug is now fixed.
  • Opening docs without extension using DocManager functions (via custom protocol handler) failed on Windows and OS X. This bug is now fixed.
  • Custom protocol failure callback was triggered in DocManager functions on Windows machines in Chrome if 'Remember my choice for all links of this type' check-box was checked in 'External Protocol Request' dialog if opening document took more than 1 sec. This bug is now fixed.
  • Opening document using DocManager functions (via custom protocol handler) during first access on OS X performance improved.

v2.0.1708.0 Beta 2

March 15, 2016
  • Mounting URL parameter is now processed in all protocol handlers.
  • Deb protocol installer package is now provided for Linux in addition to tar.gz. Tested on Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Mint.
  • OS X protocol installer (pkg) is now signed.
  • Custom protocol name changed from dav: to dav2:
  • Unicode characters processing fixed in all protocol handlers.
  • Opening documents in Dolphin file manager using protocol handler fixed.
  • Opening MS Office docs on Linux now triggers dav: protocol directly, without trying MS Office protocols first.
  • Protocol opening script opened a new window in Safari. Now this bug is fixed.
  • If lastmodified or creationdate were not provided by server the CreationDate and LastModified returned minimum date. Now these properties return null.

v2.0.0.1620 Beta 1

February 9, 2016
  • A new approach to opening documents for editing based on protocols is provided. The Java applet is removed and replaced by installers targeting Windows, OS X and Linux.
  • JavaOpenFolderInOsFileManager, IsMicrosoftOfficeAvailable, GetMsOfficeVersion ShowMicrosoftOfficeWarning functions are deprecated. The JavaEditDocument is replaced with DavProtocolEditDocument.
  • EditDocument, MicrosoftOfficeEditDocument, OpenFolderInOsFileManager functions signatures changed.


November 20, 2015
  • Microsoft Edge was not detected correctly in some cases. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Microsoft Office 2016 did not open document for editing because URL did not encode properly in DocManager.EditDocument() function. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Special characters tests fixed.


April 17, 2015
  • Microsoft Office documents open for editing did not work in Google Chrome v42 update because NPAPI including Microsoft Office Chrome plug-in is not available any more. Now this issue is fixed, Microsoft Office Chrome NPAPI plug-in is not ised in Chrome any more.
  • Java applet performance improved. Now applet is inserted on a web page only first time and reused after that.
  • ‘Open With’ OS dialog is now displayed on Linux if file type is not associated with any application.
  • HierarhyItem.Properties is now a list of Propery objects.
  • Custom properties optional argument is added to following methods: CreateFolderAsync, CreateFileAsync, GetParentAsync, OpenItemAsync, OpenFileAsync, OpenResourceAsync, OpenFolderAsync, CreateFolder, CreateFile, GetParent, OpenItem, OpenFile, OpenResource, OpenFolde. Specific properties can now be requested from server in a single call when creating or opening hierarchy items.
  • Documentation updated fixed and updated


December 31, 2014
  • Java applet signature expired. Now the Java applet is signed with a new Java code signing certificate.
  • Microsoft Office documents were opened in Google chrome using Plugin. Now the protocol extension is used.
  • Documentation updated, new examples provided.
  • Unit tests fixed and updated.


December 5, 2014
  • Documentation updated, examples fixed.
  • The HierarchyItems.Progress test failed in IE 9-. Now this test is skipped in IE 9- as progress is not supported in IE 9-.
  • Show the code and Show log did not work in IE 9-. Now this bug is fixed.
  • Test folder did not delete when tests finished. Now test folder is deleted.


December 2, 2014
  • All methods are now asynchronous.
  • New updated class reference with code examples provided.
  • Unit tests now run on QUnit JavaScript testing framework. All tests are now asynchronous.
  • Request class with progress tracking events and cancelation is provided. 
  • Versioning tests improved.
  • PutUnderVersionControlAsync method provided.
  • AvailableBytes and UsedBytes properties provided.


October 22, 2014
  • Java applet now provides better error handling on Windows. If WebDAV folder mounting error occurs a message is displayed with recommendations to the user.
  • GetCustomProperties did not return all properties returned from the server. Now this bug is fixed.
  • When deleting the version the If: (<opaquelocktoken:http://server /> header was added to the request. Now this bug is fixed.


June 25, 2014
  • User can now open Microsoft Project and Microsoft Visio files for editing from server using protocols/plugins similar to Microsoft Office files. OpenOffice documents can now be opened in Microsoft Office using protocols/plugins.
  • The following types of files can now be opened as Microsoft Office documents:
      • Microsoft Word documents: docx, doc, docm, dot, dotm, dotx
      • Microsoft Excel documents: xltx, xltm, xlt, xlsx, xlsm, xlsb, xls, xll, xlam, xla
      • Microsoft PowerPoint documents: pptx, pptm, ppt, ppsx, ppsm, pps, ppam, ppa, potx, potm, pot
      • Microsoft Access documents: accdb, mdb
      • Microsoft InfoPath documents: xsn, xsf
      • Microsoft Publisher documents: pub
      • Microsoft Visio files: vstx, vstm, vst, vssx, vssm, vssm, vss, vsl, vsdx, vsdm, vsd, vdw,
      • Microsoft Project files: mpp
      • OpenOffice Writer: odt
      • OpenOffice Calc: ods
      • OpenOffice Impress: odp


June 11, 2014
  • Google Chrome is now using plug-in instead of protocol extension in case of Microsoft Office 2013. The MS Office protocol is blocked by Google Chrome update.


March 5, 2014
  • ‘Use of XMLHttpRequest's withCredentials attribute is no longer supported in the synchronous mode in the window context.’ is now fixed. XMLHttpRequest.withCredentials is now set only in async mode.
  • GetChildren now accepts a list of property names as a second parameter, to request additional properties in PROPFIND request.
  • Failed to execute the command [osascript, -e mount volume "http://...." error when trying to mount a volume that was already mounted on OS X. This bug is now fixed.
  • Spaces not supported for mounted WebDAV folders on OS X. This bug is now fixed.


January 9, 2014
  • OpenFolderInOsFileManager method is now using Java applet in Internet Explorer 11 to run OS file manager. 
  • Versions test fixed.


November 22, 2013
  • XPath is not supported issue fixed in Internet Explorer 11. Internet Explorer 11 is now supported.
  • DocManager static class provided with methods to open documents and running OS file manager.
  • Java applet used in Ajax File Browser is now used in WebDAV Ajax Library to open non-Microsoft Office documents for editing and opening OS file manager.


March 28, 2013
  • Async methods analogs provided, such as GetChildrenAsync, OpenFolderAsync, etc.


October 16, 2011
  • Responses with non-OK status are ignored in file listing requests. 
  • Quota support implemented.


April 18, 2011
  • IE 9 is now supported.
  • Integration tests redesigned.


February 25, 2011
  • User-Agent header removed as it overwrites header set by the web browser.
  • Web browser detection implementation improved.


July 26, 2010
  • Property withCredentials of XmlHttpRequest is set to true by default.


March 22, 2010
  • If bytes uploaded is more than total file content length GetUploadProgress call now throws an exception.
  • Response status text parsing fixed is status consists of more than a single word.
  • Event model fixed.


October 24, 2009
  • Destination header was double encoded. Now this bug is fixed.
  • No more namespace needed in custom properties names.
  • Incorrect namespace names in documentation fixed.
  • Incorrect event calls fixed.
  • Incorrect request body was passed in some cases.


March 30, 2009
  • Localization support added. Strings are now stored uncompressed at the top of ITHitWebDAVClient.js.
  • On some machines in IE with MS XML 3 exceptions was thrown if the server returned empty body. Usually, if any error on the server occurred. Now this bug is fixed.


March 5, 2009
  • Url-escaping removed.
  • SetCredentials method added to avoid default browser login dialog.


December 1, 2008
  • Google Chrome support added.
  • Added features for requesting upload progress: amount of bytes uploaded and total file size.
  • HierarchyItem.GetSupportedLock() and HierarchyItem.GetActiveLocks() methods are replaced with HierarchyItem.SupportedLocks and HierarchyItem.ActiveLocks properties that does not submit extra request to server.
  • Integration tests provided with the library.
  • New User Guide and Class Reference provided.

v1.0.0.124 Beta 1

September 24, 2008
  • Firefox 3 support added.
  • HierarchyItem.CreationDate and HierarchyItem.LastModified parsing changed. The library now can parse incorrect date returned by some servers such as Microsoft SharePoint 2007.
  • Documentation fixed.

v1.0.0.3 Beta 1

April 22, 2008
  • Last character in file name was truncated when library used with Apache mod_dav.

v1.0.0.2 Beta 1

March 19, 2008
  • NotFoundException exception fixed when using the library with SharePoint Services 3.0.
  • Library version added to logs and User-Agent header submitted to the server.

v1.0.0.1 Beta 1

March 11, 2008
  • NotFoundException fixed when using with Apache mod_dav (mod_dav does not return dav:displayname property).

v1.0.0.0 Beta 1

March 4, 2008
  • WebDAV AJAX library with Class 2 WebDAV server support provided.